At A Glace
Vidya Bharati was formed in 1977.
The aim of Vidya Bharati is to evolve an alternate model of National Education.
The entire educational thinking of Vidya Bharati is based on Hindu Philosophy of life.
Vidya Bharati has developed its teaching-learning methodology on the basis of Indian Psychology.
Shiksha Vikash Samiti, Odisha is affiliated to Vidya Bharati and Registered under the society Registration Act XXI of 1860.
The Objects of the Samiti are primarily to act as the founder as well as federative and controlling parent body
of the academic institutions as the case may be and for that purpose control, manage and co-ordinate and facilitate the
working of such institutions under the name of Saraswati Shishu Mandirs, Saraswati Vidya Mandirs and Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandirs
or such other approved name to provide for instructions in such branches of learning and dissemination of knowledge in
collaboration with other academic bodies to prescribe syllabus and courses of study for different classes to build up young
children, youth and adults with the sense of self reliance, patriotism, self discipline national fraternity and love for
peace and progress through will planned education enriched with over all knowledge so as to form them into good citizens
fully developed with physical, mental and moral standards and for the attainment of objectives.
About Us
The child is the centre of all our aspirations. He is the protector of our country, Dharma (Religion) and culture.
The development of our culture and civilization is implicit in the development of the child's personality.
A child today holds the key for tomorrow. To relate the child with his land and his ancestors is the direct,
clear and unambiguous mandate for education. We have to achieve the all round development of the child through
education and Sanskar i.e. inculcation of time honored values and traditions.