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All subjects are taught in Saraswati Vidya Mandirs. The effort is prepare the students so that they get highest marks in government recognized examinations. Special attention is paid to ensure a bright future for the students, thereby enhanceing the reputation of the schools also. All schools are not government recognized. Government grant-in-aid is accepted only it is without any precondition so that our activities and innovations are not hampered. Self-reliance is the key to All our efforts. Vidya Bharati has evolved a common national syllabi for the following subjects from Primary to Higher secondary classes to be followed in all our institutions.
Physical Education for Saririk Vikash
Children should be strong and fit, they should be good sportsmen and their physical capabilities should be adequately developed. Only such like children can become defenders of their country and their faith. All schools of Vidya Bharati have facilities and programmes for physical development of children. Classwise physical education syllabus has been developed by specialists for this purpose. Regional Physical Training Centers have been established for specialized physical training. A national Sports Committee for Vidya Bharati is also being constituted.Vidya Bharati is affiliated to SGFI as a state.
All India Sports Meet
Vidya Bharati started holding All India Sports meet in the year 1988-89 in order to commemorate the birth centenary of Param Pujya Dr. HedeawarJi. the first SarSanghchalak of R.S.S. During these tournaments boys & girls of Middle, High & Sr. Secondary classes (Bal, Kishor &Tarun) take part in separate groups. Besides Kabbadi, Kho-kho there are about sixty items of athletics. A participant can take part in three events only. These tournaments start from schools & go upto District, Circle State, Region& National Level. Participants getting first position in Kshetra level games and athletic events take part in national tournament. S.G.F.I has also patronised VidyaBharati as a state to participate in national competitions.
Yoga Education for Pranika Vikash
The science of Yoga was evolved in India in ancient times. It is now being adopted all over the world. Practice of Yoga is the best way for our physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual development. This has been proved both scientifically and by personal experience. Yoga training centers have been established in all regions of the country which impart Teacher Training and try new experiments. The establishment of a National Yoga Training Centre is also under consideration.
Sangeet Education for Manasik Vikash
Music vibrates the innermost strings of our hearts. All Vidya Bharati Schools teach music to their students for awakening their noblest sentiments and for activating sanskar learning. Audio music cassettes of high quality have been prepared. Patriotic songs are reverberating throughout the country. A cassette containing songs for birthday celebration has been prepared and it has become very popular. Class wise music syllabi have also been promulgated. Students sing songs in all languages of the country. It is an admitted fact that languages may be different but they all echo the same sentiments.
Sanskrit Education for Boudhik Vikash
Sanskrit is the mother of the most of the languages not only of India but also the rest of the world. Sanskrit literate contains the invaluable treasure of Indian Sanskrit and of the knowledge acquired by the ancient rishis. Unless our students learn Sanskrit language, they will remain ignorant of all this. Sanskrit is also the key to national unity. That is why Vidya Bharati has accorded high priority to the teaching of Sanskrit Department of Vidya Bharati is located at Kurukshetra in Haryana. This department has published text books for primary classes called ‘Dev Vani Sanskritam’ based on conversation metho. Training of Sankrit-language-teachers is also arranged by this department.
Moral and Spiritual Education
Children are potential nation builders. The honour and growth of the country depends upon the character of her children. VidyaBharati has accordingly developed this syllabus for inculcating moral and patriotic values and to foster proper spiritual outlook. It forms the foundation of the entire educational process. The primary aim of VidyaBharati is to build the character and outlook of the children in accordance with Bharatiya Sanskrit, Dharma and ideals.
Sanskriti Bodh Priyojna
Sanskriti Bodh Priyojna This scheme is implemented through the following programmes -
All India Sanskriti Gyan Pariksha
The examination has been in vogue since 1980. Vidya Bharati office at Kurukshetra manages this. The preparation for this examination provides complete knowledge and information about Indian culture, religion, history, festivals, Holy places, sacred rivers, mountains and national personalities to the student community in an interesting and simple method. Besides lakhs of students reading in Vidya Bharati Schools, many other students, teachers and parents are benefitted from this scheme. It can be asserted with pride that 'Sanskriti Bodh Pariyojna' is helping a lot in cultural renaissance and strengthening national bonds of unity. In the Academic year 2009-10 more than 20 lakh students appeared in this examination. Year after year the number is increasing.
Sanskriti Gyan Preeksha For Teachers
Sanskriti Gyan Preeksha for teachers is also held every year. There are three stage viz 'Prathma' 'Madhyama' and 'Utma' according to the standard & depth of the subject matter. Normally new teachers coming out of Teachers Training Institutes are not conversant in the cultural, historical and geographical knowledge of the country. This scheme & syllabus provides opportunity for them to attain this essential knowledge and imbibe the ethos of Bharatiya Sanskriti. A Pragya Pareeksha is also held after these three pareeksha.
Prashan Manch (Quiz Competition)
Prashan Manch competitions are held on state and regional level in four stages viz primary, upper primary, secondary & sr. secondary. Subject matter to be tested through these quiz competitions is based on books on SanskritiGyan (stage wise) and some other books prescribed such as on Astronomy, Freedom movement and biographies of our national heroes.
Essay Writing Competition
This is an all India Programme. The competition is held in three stages viz primary, upper primary, secondry& sr. secondary. Marking of the essays is done at state level & prizes for the best, three essays of each group are given state wise. Topics of essays are on 'Puniya Bhumi Bharat', Indian Culture, History, Prominent personalities in the field of science and literature.